fanchorRequest procedure
The fanchorRequest
procedure reads data in the database, constructs a Merkle tree representing that data, stores the Merkle tree in the provendbrequests
table, and anchors the root of the merkle tree to a public blockchain. This allows us to detect any changes to nominated columns and rows in the table and confirm the origin date of the data through blockchain proofs.
Parameter | Type | Description |
@tablename | varchar, mandatory | The table with is to be anchored |
@columnlist | varchar, optional | comma-seperated list of columns to be anchored. If ommitted, all columns will be anchored. Any columns not listed will not be anchored and can be modified without invalidating the proof. |
@whereclause | varchar, optional | Whereclause determining the columns to be anchored. |
@keycolumn | varchar, optional | The column to be used to identify specific rows when identifying which rows might have been modified. Defaults to RID. |
In this example, we anchor rows from the CONTRACTSTABLE table, with a CONTRACTID between 0 and 100. Only the columns contractData and metaData are included in the proof. CONTRACTID is used to identify rows:
1> EXEC [dbo].[fanchorrequest] 'provendbdemo.dbo.contractstable' , 'contractData,metaData', 'contractId BETWEEN 0 and 100' , 'CONTRACTID'
2> go
(1 rows affected)
The request returns a RequestId of 4.
Updated almost 3 years ago
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