submitProof command not working sometimes

tried using both collection level and database level proofs but same thing happen. Also purchased the developer plan but no luck. Here is the service(for a document level proof) & the error: dbObject.command( { submitProof: currentVersion, collections: ["provenDiamonds"], filter: newDocument, }, (error, res) => { if (error) { console.error(error); reject("Could not submitproof for version."); } else { console.log(res); resolve("New proof created.", res); } } ); ERROR => MongoServerError: UNAVAILABLE: io exception at MessageStream.messageHandler (F:\Builds\test\node_modules\mongodb\lib\cmap\connection.js:467:30) at MessageStream.emit (events.js:315:20) at processIncomingData (F:\Builds\test\node_modules\mongodb\lib\cmap\message_stream.js:108:16) at MessageStream._write (F:\Builds\test\node_modules\mongodb\lib\cmap\message_stream.js:28:9) at writeOrBuffer (internal/streams/writable.js:358:12) at MessageStream.Writable.write (internal/streams/writable.js:303:10) at TLSSocket.ondata (internal/streams/readable.js:719:22) at TLSSocket.emit (events.js:315:20) at addChunk (internal/streams/readable.js:309:12) at readableAddChunk (internal/streams/readable.js:284:9) { ok: 0, code: 125, codeName: 'CommandFailed' } the thing is those documents stored in the database without a proof and the request not get resolved or rejected either. Here I attached the output when I try to get the proof of such documents using getDocumentProof. { "collection": "provenDiamonds", "version": 25, "documentId": "61de71ac00c5985c343f70e3", "errmsg": "There is no proof for this version of the document" }

Error while trying to create a shareable link.

It says "failed to encrypt link" if I try all of the 3 choices to create a shareable link. What do I do??

Can't create service

I got error in creating a new service. Even delete it and create again and found no luck. Please help and thanks.


I submitted a question earlier before I signed up and wondered if you had received it.

Add comment button was not working

Hi, sorry for writing here but the add comment button was not working on my previous post. This is the answer to this post: Yes, you are right, I meant submitProof. So I created now again two documents in the database "xf1" in the collection "col_uploadedFiles" with the ids: 601e5125cf2db37b71deff4a, 601e5125cf2db37b71deff4b Then I submit this command: "{submitProof:45, collections:'col_uploadedFiles', filter: {_id: ObjectId('601e5125cf2db37b71deff4b')}, anchorType: 'ETH_MAINNET'}" Now just 601e5125cf2db37b71deff4b should be verified by the blockchain. But when I fo a getProof for 601e5125cf2db37b71deff4a, I get this response: "{ \"ok\" : 1, \"proofs\" : [{ \"collection\" : \"col_uploadedFiles\", \"scope\" : \"collection\", \"version\" : 45, \"documentId\" : { \"$oid\" : \"601e5125cf2db37b71deff4a\" }, \"versionProofId\" : \"9b4ce6f3-9955-4076-86ba-4763ef71b07f\", \"status\" : \"Pending\", \"documentHash\" : \"38a6d2b0bf681e43fb0186901a009955854a3af02c680223e3333a48cea9c80b\", \"versionHash\" : \"a3a27437f28b3c47a0c574f45d02dbc84cc1670c74c8ddedb7cca07e67c35d4b\", \"errmsg\" : \"The proof is not yet valid\" }] }" It would be nice if you can check.

Update billing not working

Update billing not working

I dont understand anything

Hi, I have a problem. I connected to ProvenDB and created collection Votes. I made submitProof with some documents from Votes and everything is working fine but I dont understand why I need this because i cant get information from blockchain. For example i created document: {candidate: "Joe biden"} and added this to blockchain with submitProof. So how can i get {candidate: "Joe biden"} from blockchain?